UX case
Norway uses more water than any other Nordic country — almost twice as much as Denmark. Our water pipes are leaking and the replacement is slow. How can we encourage people to save more water?
We were a team of four working on this project. We collaborated in every step of the process. One of my main responsibilities in the team was to document our process and write about the decisions we made based on research and insight.
We decided to follow the design thinking method in this project, to make sure that our design decisions were supported by user research and feedback.
After some research, we discovered that most Norwegians are not concerned about the water crisis. They need more information about water consumption and the consequences of wasting water — and an effortless way to save water.
We created personas to get a better understanding of our users' background, motivations and needs. This helped us focus on what is important to our users.
We ran several workshops and ideation sessions on how we could meet our user's needs. We used methods like How Might We, mind mapping, "Yes, and … " and reverse brainstorming.
Dråpen is an app that will help people get a better idea of their water consumption. The app is connected to water meters that measure how much water the household's ppliances use. Dråpen gives users advice on how they can save water, and how saving water will positively affect their economy and lives.
We used both quantitative and qualitative testing methods to uncover users' pain points.
Users want to try out the app before deciding whether to sign up or not. They're usually not interested in a video demonstration. Instead, they prefer to explore on their own.
Instead of having a demo, we suggest letting the users try out the app first. Whenecer the user wants to register a water meter in their household, they need to sign up.
Users do not understand the icons on the home screen. They also want to see more detailed information about each slice in the donut chart. In the final app, the charts will be interactive. The users will be able to tap the slices and explore their consumption in-depth.
Another pain point is the water quality checker: The users are not sure if they can trust the information. We suggest that the users can tap the icon to get more detailed information about their water quality and reports.
Under Usage, users can get a better view of their water consumption over time, and how they compare to their neighbourhood and the average national consumption level. The users wanted to add their own dates to the line chart. This should be implemented in the next iteration.
Another issue, is that it is unclear how they are compared to their neighbourhood. A simple way to solve this can be to add a tooltip text explaining how this works.
Under Discover, the same icon is used twice. The users are uncertain about what happens when they tap the two icons: Are they the same or do they have different functions?
In the next iteration, the use of icons should be more consistent. Different functions should have different icons.